West Liberty Street/North:
West Liberty was one of the first streets paved. If the stone road paved from the square to the road station in the early 1890’s can be called a pavement. At least it apparently wasn’t a very satisfactory improvement for in an old file of the Gazette it was referred to as “a monstrosity that the frosts heaved to bumps and lumps.”
#103 West Liberty Street: Empire Block-1847, Barnard Block-1877, Hemmeter Block-1914, Johnson/Batchelder Block-1976
The first building to occupy the site was a double log cabin built in 1818 and owned by Alonzo Hickox and Captain Badger. The first floor was a tavern and a community house and the second floor was a courtroom.
“In 1820, Harmon Munson, aged eighty-two, and wife…settled near the village center.
About the first court after Mr. Munson arrived, he decided he would attend. He being so much older than anybody else, of course attracted considerable attention.
As he seated himself in Esq. Hickox’s tavern, Judge Todd approached him and enquired where he was from. Mr. Munson, without knowing that the person was Judge Todd, told him that he thought he would come and see the Judge and lawyers get acquainted and remarked that he supposed the Judge had not arrived yet.
Yes, says the Judge he is here. Mr. Munson says, “I understand he is a pretty smart man.” “Smart enough,” says the Judge. But, says Munson, “They say he drinks”. The Judge’s reply “I have not learned that.”
Bronson General Store, Sherman Bronson, Prop., (1843-1847)
1. Ledger says a quart of whiskey for a shilling (12 ½ cents). Women’s shoes are 3 shillings, a yard of calico 2 shillings, a pound of tea 10 schillings, and a pound of butter 10 cents, a dozen needles 12 cents and a dozen eggs are 6 cents.
The Empire Block was built in 1847 for Hiram Bronson, by Waggoner Company of Akron and the contractor was Samuel B. Rounds.
1. Drunkard Hodge Smith lived in a shack nearly opposite the American House on North Court Street where the Empire Block then stood in the 1850s.
Bronson Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware Store, Hiram Bronson, Prop., (1847-1861)
1. Hiram Bronson, Medina County Sheriff in 1842 acquired the Badger lot in 1847 and built a mercantile store there. Mr. Bronson kept his business running until 1861.
Bronson and Smith Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware Store, Hiram Bronson and George W. Smith, Props. (1856-1860)
Coppes Clothing and Merchant Tailor, Samuel D. Coppes, Prop., (1856-1859)
Smith Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware Store, George W. Smith, Prop., (1861-1863)
Drs. A. C. Smith and L. D. Tolman, (1857-1865)
1. Doctors offices were located in the Empire Block on the lower East side floor.
Shakespear Clothing Store, William Shakespear, Prop., (1859-1863)
1. William Shakespear, Medina Village Mayor in 1859 bought out the Koppes Clothing business.
Fenn Dry Goods, Clothing and Wall Paper Store, E, J. Fenn, Prop., (1863-1877)
1. E. J. Fenn sells dry goods, wallpaper, hoop skirts, Quaker skirts and gore skirts.
2. Carrie and E. J. Fenn own Empire Store Wallpaper in 1872 and elegant gilt wallpaper in 1877.
3. The firm of E. G. and E. J. Fenn has purchased the stock of dry goods from the S. H. Bradley Store in 1870 and will hereafter carry on the establishment at the old stand.
C.J. Rudesill and Company Dry Goods Store, (1867-1868)
1. Mr. C. Sabin left Rudesill’s in 1868 to start a Sabin and Rudesill Store in Akron in 1869.
Empire Block operated by Carrie and E. J. Fenn. (1870)
1. "E. J. Fenn showed us the other day a gallon or so of spurious silver coin in 25 and 50 cent pieces which Hiram Bronson came across while cleaning out an old dish in the Empire block recently. It is the relic of the days of 30 or 40 years ago, when a counterfeiters' nest was discovered and the tools and bogus money was captured by the authorities, under Mr. Bronson’s direction.
2. Mr. Bronson added new railings for hitching posts in front of Empire Block In 1870, the old ones were vintage 1840 and horses have gnawed on them.
First National Bank or Commercial Bank, William W. Pancoast, Cashier, (1871-1872)
1. Pancoast bought a 7300 pound safe hauled by 16-horse team to the Commercial Bank at E. J. Fenn’s Empire block in 1870.
2. In 1871 William W. Pancoast purchased the new James H. Albro Block and the First National Bank Company moved their offices from the Empire Block at #103 West Liberty Street in 1872.
3. In 1871, the Medina Band has been organized and will meet twice a week in the Empire Block for practice on the new instruments. W. F. Sipher leader, 1st E flat cornet, L. S. Smith, 2nd E flat cornet, G. D. Billings, first B flat alto, W. H., Hobart, 2nd B flat alto, H. G. Sipher, 1st E flat tenor, Ben Boult, 2nd E flat tenor, A. Fritz, B flat tenor, W. H. Hickox, baritone, C. E. Clark, B flat bass, O. G. Chapin, E flat bass, Len Smith, snare drum, R. W. Clark, bass drum and Clare Boult, cymbals.
Temporary Occupants of the Empire Block after the 1870 Fire, (1871-1872)
George W. Hobart Grocery Store
G. A. L. Boult Dry Goods Store
Hubert H. Brainard (jeweler with A. I. Root) fitted up a Jewelry Store.
O. N. Leach Clothier, 1872 into the Empire block and left in 1872.
Bachtell Tin and Stove Store, David H. Bachtell, Prop., (1870-1872)
1. Bachtell, a dealer in stoves and tin ware had total sales of $7,000 in 1872.
2. D. H. Bachtell has sold the tin and stove business to Lyman Oatman Jr. in 1872.
Shepard Dry Goods Store, Reuben S. Shepard, Prop., (1872-1877)
1. Shepard’s salesmen are Brother E. E. Shepard and William Whipple.
2. In 1882, R. S. Shepard Dry Goods Store addition work was done by the Gruninger Co.
Weed Sewing Machines Co., J. R. Ray, Prop., (1872-1877)
1. 1874 - "On Tuesday night a fire was discovered in the cellar of Empire Block under the store of E.J. Kern. The alarm was sounded and the bucket brigade was on hand, forming a line to the public cistern at the north-west corner of the square, and the fire was extinguished before it got under much headway.
Empire Block Destroyed by Fire
1. 1877 - ''The fire friend again visited Medina destroying four large buildings. It started in the third story of the Empire block, and it was not possible to reach it until it was so far under headway that it was entirely unmanageable. The American House just across the street, was saved only by the hardest work. The buildings burned were the Empire Block and a frame building also adjoining it, both owned by Mr.Bronson, who had $4,000 in insurance on them and a three story frame building owned by M. Bach valued at $2,000. The last building burned was owned by Cleveland parties with no insurance.
1877-R. D. Barnard and Judge Samuel G. Barnard have bought the Empire Block Lot, site of recent fire from Hon. Hiram Bronson and will build a business block that includes the ground floor occupied by the old Empire Store and the two frame buildings, adjoining in the north, with 115’ fronts on the south and 74 feet fronting on the east.
Leach Clothing Store, O. N. Leach, Prop., (1872-1872)
Shepard Dry Goods Store, Reuben S. Shepard, Prop., (1877-1886)
1. R. S. Shepard store, the corner room in Barnard's new block, corner of Court and Liberty streets, is all finished and presents a handsome appearance. The« workmen completed their labor last Wednesday noon and the keys were passed over to Mr. Shepard’s hands.
2. The room is one of the finest in finish, appearance and convenience in Medina, eligibly located, and will doubtless command its full share of our county trade.
3. In addition to the store room proper, Mr. Shepard has a handsome, well lighted upstairs room for the keeping of oil cloths, wall paper and surplus stock. New goods are arriving in quantities, and from appearances the new establishment will be able to make a brilliant opening about next Monday.
4. R. S. Shepard who has been one of the prominent businessmen in town for a number of years has sold his well-known Dry Goods establishment to parties from Cleveland and will retire from that business.
Edwards Dry Goods Store, F. E. and Reuben S. Edwards, Prop., (1877-1899)
Beach Boots and Shoe Store, Albert L. Beach, Prop. (1878-1879)
1. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Beach, the boot and shoe merchant is returning to Medina and will engage in the same business in the Barnard building.
Grant Hardware Store, H. B. Grant, Prop., (1879-1885)
James Newton Grocery Store, James Newton, Prop., (1886-1887)
1. James Newton, the grocery man, in the Barnard Block has taken in a partner.
2. The name of the new firm is Newton and Chipps.
Newton and Chipps Grocery Store, James Newton and George W. Chipps, Props. (1887-1898)
Nichols Grocery Store, O. E. Nichols, Prop., (1898-1901)
1. James Newton sold his grocery business to O. E. Nichols in 1898.
Orth Grocery Store, Phillip Orth, Prop., (1901-1902)
1. Orville E. Nichols sold his grocery business to Philip Orth in 1901.
Davis Grocery Store, O. G. Davis and Son, Will Davis, Props. (1902-1902)
1. O. G. Davis sold the Grocery Store to W. L. Sargent and traded his dwelling house on Smith Road for a $100 value.
Sargent Grocery Store, William L. Sargent, Prop., (1902-1902)
1. Jacob F. ‘Will’ Kramer, American House grocer, bought the stock of W. L. Sargent in the Barnard Block and will consolidate the two at that location in 1902.
Kramer Grocery Store, Jacob F, Kramer, Prop., (1902-1903)
Medina Felger Medicine Company, E. E. Felger, Manager, (1901-1905)
1. Medina Felger Medicine Company is in the entire east side of Barnard Block on both floors and basement. He just remodeled the store with elevator added and divided it into 9 separate rooms in 1901.
2. Dr. J. S. Felger office and new lab is in the Barnard Block. They manufactured and sold about 12 remedies by 4 traveling salesmen, and got free rent for 3 years by the Medina Village Council.
Bowman Grocery Store, J. R. Bowman, Prop., (1903-1905)
Medina Supply Store, O. C. Robert, Prop., (1906-1912)
Shaw Jewelry and Optical Goods, Dr. A. E. Shaw, Prop., (1910-1916)
1. Dr. A. E. Shaw has glasses, watch and jewelry repair and optical parlors in Medina Supply Store. Shaw went by the nickname “Lawn”.
McCullough Millinery Store, Miss McCullough, Prop., (1912-1919)
1. Miss McCullough rented from Dr. A. E. Shaw the part of the store room formerly occupied by O. C. Robart’s Medina Supply Store where she Clerked and will reopen in 1912.
McIntosh Medina Supply Store, O. C. McIntosh, Prop., (1912-1916)
1. Miss McCullough rented from Dr. A. E. Shaw the part of the store room formerly occupied by O. C. McIntosh Medina Supply Store.
Barnard Block was sold to William E. Hemmeter for $13,000 from the heirs of late Miss Bertie Barnard in 1914.
1. W. E. Hemmeter put new plate glass fronts on all 3 stores in 1919.
Edwards Grocery Store, Hobart Edwards, Prop., (1916-1917)
1. Edwards sold his business to Earl Thatcher.
McCullock General Store, M. E. McCullock, Prop., (1918-1919)
1. A New plate glass front installed at M. E. McCullough General Store in 1919.
Steingass and Bradway Meat Market and Grocery Store, Dan Steingass and Andrew Bradway, Props. (1919-1930)
1. Lanphear rooms of Barnard Block occupied by Steingass and Bradway and entire front to be remodeled in 1919.
Warner-Hemmeter Dry Goods Company, C. J. Warner and W. E. Hemmeter, Props. (1927-1928)
1. W. E. Hemmeter will move for the 1st time in 37 years from west side of park. Now called the Hemmeter Building. Warner-Hemmeter will occupy 1st floor, all except Southeast corner of the 2nd floor and will add a basement. A $9000 rehab, with new large plate glass windows, mezzanine, newest development in lighting, by a system of lights suspending from the ceiling and each in a decorated globe.
2. In March 8, 1927 they tested them at Nola Park providing 22% more light.
3. Warner-Hemmeter liquidates business in 1928.
Noftz Fruit and Vegetable Market, John Noftz, Prop., (1933-1939)
1. (Melons a specialty)
Finch’s 5 cent to $1 The Friendly Store, Grady Finch, Prop., (1940-1946)
1. W. E. Hemmeter sold the store in Hemmeter Block to Grady T. Finch, who will erect partition and will occupy the east section used by Hemmeter and Webster in 1940.
Standard Drug Store, William Finkelman, Manager, (1926-1962)
1. Main room leased 10 years to Standard Drug Store, William Finkelman, Manager, C.S. Ashbrook pharmacist.
2. Standard Drug was known for its large, round stools that were located on the west end of the store.
3. Children would beg their parents to let them go to Standard Drug to see their soda fountain and try a cherry soda, phosphate, or delicious milkshake.
4. Standard Drug would even occasionally cook food during lunch hours for local business owners or for members of the Court House.
5. Standard Drug was similar to a convenience store, offering the essentials from ice-cold Cokes, to tobacco, to groceries.
6. Alterations made to Standard Drug in 1946 and enlarged into The Finch 5c to $1 store. Standard Drug took 15 year lease on rooms directly west of present store owned by W. E. Hemmeter to double floor space and the ground and basement occupied by Finch 5-$1.00.Soda fountain and lunch counter removed in 1953.
Revco Drug Store, (1963-1985)
1. In 1976, Campbell Properties sold the building to investors John Brown, Nevada Johnson and William Batchelder II and the building was remodeled to a Victorian style recommended by the CDC in 1978.
2. Revco symbolized Medina's attempt at modernizing the square. Revco put plastic paneling all around the outside of the building. Around the same time the CDC was making its push for the buildings to be historical buildings, which it would later win.
3. The second floor of the building became a pool hall. A separate staircase led to the pool hall. Children would sneak up to the second floor because parents did not approve of letting their children stay in an establishment that had adults drinking. The young generation during this time, could not wait until they were older so that they could visit the pool hall and be with all of the adults.
Vacant, (1985-1989)
Granny’s Attic Antiques, (1990-1993)
Thinkers Coffee House, William Lamb, Prop. (1994-1994)
Adventures Coffee House, William Lamb, Prop. (1995-1996)
Arabica Coffee House, William Lamb, Prop. (1997-2002)
1. Arabica was a traditional coffeehouse. Musicians would sit and play their guitars and entertain the customers all day long. There were many different kinds of coffees to choose from and many residents would go to Arabica in the morning before work.
2. This was a coffee house and was known for its fantastic atmosphere.
Cool Beans, Mark and Tanya Dorman, Props. (2003-2007)
1. The owner of Cool Beans decided that the location should remain as a coffee shop due to the fact that it was already set up like a traditional coffee shop.
Cool Beans, Gayle Moss, Prop. (2008-2010)
Cool Beans, Laura Parnell, Prop. (2010-Present)
1. In 2010, Laura Parnell a longtime Medina resident, jumped at the opportunity to take the reigns as owner of one of her favorite places in the city. Working as a website designer and in advertisement sales, owning a caf'e did not seem to be next on her plate. However, after speaking with the old owner of Cool Beans, she decided to take over the business.
"Ghost hunters search for spirits at Cool Beans." The Post [Medina] 29 Dec. 2009.
In The Post, Pamela J. Miller wrote a story about the coffee shop and the ghosts that are rumored to be living there. On December 19, it is said that a ghost's presence was felt in the basement of Cool Beans.
Elizabeth Howell, a psychic, and the rest of her team visited Cool Beans to discover the truth. They discovered that 8 different ghosts are residing in the Cool Beans basement. The Ohio Evaluation, Research and Validation Society also visited Cool Beans. They too believe that ghosts are present in the Cool Beans basement. Mrs. Parnell is not quite sure what to believe, although she did have a few what is believed to be, communications with the ghosts. She claims that one night she had mocked the ghosts to a friend and the next morning when she came into work a few of her lights were burnt out on the ceiling of the building.
Ghosts are not the only historical things that can be found in the Cool Beans basement. There is an alley that is located in the middle of the basement that is thought to be part of the Underground Railroad that once went through Medina. Escaped slaves would travel down the alley to avoid slavery and encounter freedom. Along with the alley, there is a door that leads to the shop located next to Cool Beans.
All of the businesses on the Square are connected and have been for decades. This is most likely due to the fact that the Square use to be homes to many people. Also, a hidden door is located on the left side of the basement that no one has been able to get into for quite some time. History is preserved upstairs as well. You can see that the spot where the bookshelf is presently located used to be a doorway to one of the earlier businesses that existed.
#105 West Liberty Street: Empire Block–1860, Barnard Block–1877, Hemmeter Block-1914, Johnson/Batchelder Block-1976
Whitmore Jewelry and Daguerreotypes, Joe Whitmore, Prop. (1860-1867)
C. J. Rudesill and Codry Dry Goods Store, (1867-1869)
1. Mr. C. Sabin left Rudesill’s in 1868. Sabin and Rudesill shop was in Akron in 1869.
Brainard Jewelry Store, Hubert H. Brainard, Prop. (1871-1877)
The People’s Store, C. K. Smith, Prop. (1878-1886)
1. We keep a full line of dry goods, a full stock of men’s and ladies ready-made clothing and the freshest groceries.
Washburn Millinery Store, Belle Washburn, Prop. (1886-1899)
Medina Library Association, (1900-1907)
1. Library leased rooms on ground floor at #105 Barnard Block vacated by Belle Washburn in 1900.
Bishop Millinery and Hats, Miss Gertrude Bishop, Prop., (1904-1908)
Edwards Grocery Store, Hobart Edwards, Prop. (1909-1916)
Children wait patiently with their dog “Spot” on the sidewalk outside Hobart Edwards’s Grocery Store at 105 West Liberty Street while their “Mom” shops for the family daily supply of food in 1912
1. Hobart Edwards removed his grocery business to the Commercial Block when F. D. Foote retired in 1917 and Hobart Edwards bought his interest and the store will now be the Edwards Grocery.
2 Between 1915 and 1916, Anna and Jake Schmittel had a residence above the Hobart Edwards Grocery store at 105.5 West Liberty in the Barnard Block, conveniently only 6 doors east of the electric station where they operated a still.
3. Jake and Anna would take a clandestine adventure north on the CSW&C Electric Car every month or so, and would return with suitcases full of ill-gotten gain. Their booze-making came to a screeching halt when they found themselves in the grasp of the long arm of the law.
4. As a side-note, Jake started his career in poor judgment when he married Queenie Anna Hillsdale an artiste in the King Karlo Wonder Fair in 1909. (Still trying to figure out exactly what her art form was?)
W. A. McIntosh Newsstand, exterior location (1910-1922)
Barnard Block was sold to William E. Hemmeter for $13,000 from the heirs of late Miss Bertie Barnard in 1914.
1. W. E. Hemmeter put a new plate glass front on all 3 store fronts in 1919.
Thatcher Grocery Store. O.C. Thatcher and Son, J. E. Thatcher, Props. (1916-1923)
1. Hobart Edwards sold his Grocery Store to O .C. Thatcher in 1916.
Dinty Moore Café, Dallas Warner, Prop. (1924-1927)
1. Dallas Warner sold former “Dinty Moore” lunchroom to Bert Batdorff in 1927.
Dinty Moore Café, Bert Batdorff, Prop. (1927-1931)
B and L. 5 cent to $1.00 Store, Web Lose and R. W. Buck, Props. (1931-1933)
1. B and L Store moved to #201 South Court Street in 1933.
Henry Furnace Product Display Store, (1933–1933)
1. Location for up-town show rooms for Moncrieff Heating Systems manufactured in Medina..
Hemmeter and Son 5 cent to 25 cents to $1.00 Store, W. E. Hemmeter, Prop. (1934-1940)
1. In the Hemmeter Block both rooms, completely renovated and “it presents the appearance of a 5 and 10 cent store”.
Finch’s 5 cent to $1.00, The Friendly Store, Grady Finch, Prop. (1940-1946)
W. E. Hemmeter sold his store goods in Hemmeter Block to Grady T. Finch, who will erect partition and will occupy the east section used by Hemmeter and Webster in 1940.
City Loan and Savings, Robert J. Kondes, Manager (1940-1984)
1. 1-story addition added to rear of City Loan and Savings building in 1940.
2. Nellie M. Hemmeter sold the part occupied by City Loan and Finch’s 5c-$1.00 to Grace L. Roseman of Cleveland for $40,000 in 1945 and it was restored.
American Realty Title Agency of Medina, John W. Brown, Prop. (1985-2009)
1. After City Loan departed, the space was occupied by American Realty Title (ARTA) a title company owned by John W. Brown
White Crane Gallery Ltd., Kevin Cambell, Prop. (2000-2001)
The Bookshelf, Used Book Store. (2010-Present)
#105.5 West Liberty Street: Empire Block–1860, Barnard Block–1877, Hemmeter Block-1914, Batchelder Block, 2nd Floor
Joe Whitmore Jewelry and Daguerreotypes (1850-1860)
1. Whitmore moved to #39-41 Phoenix Block above the Post Office in 1860.
Medina Gazette, Kirkland and Redway, Props. (1854-1856)
1. Francis D. Kimball editor, Gazette has 4 pages, but not a line of local news in first 2 pages in 1854.
2. Gazette moved to #203 South Court Street in 1856.
William H. Alden, Justice of Peace, (1860-1866)
Dr. E. G. Hard, Physician, (1860-1863)
1. Dr. Hard served in the Civil War in 1863-1865 and returned to Medina to practice for many years.
Dr. J. N. Robinson, Physician, (1866-1869)
Mrs. F. W. Hitchcock Millinery Store, (1870-1876)
Noland Sewing Machine Shop, J. N. Noland, Prop. (1872-1874)
Mrs. O. M. Jackson Millinery Store, (1876–1897)
1. Mrs Jackson moved to Paull Block purchased and rebuilt by her son, Henry Paull in 1897.
H. W. Collins Insurance Agency, (1874–1875)
Harper Dressmaking Shop, Nellie Harper, Prop. (1874 1885)
Normal School classes held in Empire Hall, (1874-1882)
Frances Martha and Nathanial H. Bostwick, Attorneys, (1887–1891)
1. Bostwick was Village Mayor c. 1849 and Prosecuting Attorney from 1857 to 1861.
Herkner Sawing, Files and Sharpening Blades, Albert A. Herkner, Prop. (1887-1883)
Mrs. C. F. Warren’s Millinery Store, (1888-1892)
Warren Shoe and Boot Store, C. F. Warren, Prop. (1888–1892)
1. C. F. Warren will next week open a Boot and Shoe Store in the Barnard Block, in the room with Mrs. C. F. Warren.
S. G. Barnard and George A. Richards, Attorneys, (1894-1895)
Ernest J. Newton Violin Studio, (1896-1900)
Purpora Brinkerhoff School of Music, (1897–1898)
1. New concert hall for Purpora Brinkerhoff School of Music.
S. G. Barnard, Attorney, (1895-1899)
Louise Martin Music Studio, Louise Martin, Prop. (1900–1901)
1. Miss Martin was a professional vocalist at Epworth Memorial Church in Cleveland.
Moore Millinery, Della Moore, Prop., (1904–1916)
George A. Richards, Attorney and Insurance Agent, (1906–1910)
Mrs. C. B. Board, (Grocer) rents out furnished room on 2nd Floor, (1906-1908)
Donaldson Realty Office, L. J. Donaldson, Owner, (1909–1910)
1. H. W. Adams, stone-mason office with J. M. Donaldson in 1913.
Mrs. Hattie McCarthy residence, (1910-1911)
Fisher and Donaldson Realty Office, L. J. Donaldson, Partner, (1910–1914)
S. K. Ruse in Barnard Block apartment over Edwards Grocery, (1911-1913)
American Coal Products Office, Gail Abbott, Agent, (1911–1914)
1. Gail Abbott opened American Coal Products office in Barnard Block room vacated by Fisher and Donaldson Realty in 1911.
Anna Lance Plain Sewing, (1913-1914)
Barnard Block was sold to William E. Hemmeter for $13,000 from the heirs of late Miss Bertie Barnard, (1914)
Lewis H. Randall, New York Life Insurance Agency, (1914-1914)
Winyah Club, (1915-1916)
Della Moore Millinery Store, (1916–1922)
1. Della Moore moved her millinery stock into Empire Block across the hall from her former location in 1916.
Dr. J. B. Webber, (1917-1922)
Dr. G. E. Wilson, Dentist, (1925-1927)
Ashley Pelton, Attorney, (1928–1953)
Pelton office has an entrance at #105 North Court Street.
Lance Insurance Agency, Sidney Lance, Prop., (1927–1931)
Tam-O-Shanter Miniature Golf, (1930–1931)
1. 2nd floor is indoor winter Tam-O-Shanter miniature golf course with most of the hazards here.
Western Reserve Power & Light, (1931-1934)
Lance and Company, Insurance Agency, Harold Clark and Sidney Lance, Props. (1931–1941)
England Restaurant, Mrs. C. H. England, Prop., (1932-1934)
Kremo Products, (1934-1936)
Dr. E. J. McGuire, Optometrist, (1937–1940)
1. He bought Dr. C .R. Barnard practice.
Dr. Frank C. Reutter, (1940-1945)
Dr. Reutter's office has an entrance at #105 North Court Street.
David D. Porter, Attorney, (1939–1942)
Dr. Kenneth G. Robinson, (1945–1949)
1. Dr. Robinson In office vacated by Dr.Franklin. C. Reutter with entrance at #105 North Court Street.
Theodore V. Foskett, Attorney, (1946–?)
1. Ted Foskett office in the room vacated by David Porter in 1946.
Lest Akins Realty, (1946–1953)
Otis Cronk, Accountant, (1947-?)
Selective Service Board #82, (1952-?)
Lawrence D. Cammack, Architect, (1955-?)
Ray V. Scott, Engineer, (1955-?)
William Batchelder purchased the Barnard Building in 1976. He remolded the 2nd floor to accommodate his growing legal practice and staff.
E. G. Dillard, (1956-?)
Mark Farrell, Engineer and Proprietor of Recreation Center, (1964-?)
Pool Hall, (1972-1976)
1. Occupied one-third of the second floor.
Vacant, (1971-1975)
Williams, Batchelder, Johnson, Bux and Bramley Attorneys, (1976–1987)
1. Law Firm occupied the eastern 2/3 of the second floor and the lobby area outside the elevator landing.
David N. Brown, Attorney, (1977-1980)
1. Attorney Chris Collier was with Attorney Brown for a period of time
Dale Chase, Attorney, (1980-1987)
Mark McGregory, CPA, (1980-1986)
Jill Heck, Attorney, (1980-1987)
Pelton and Pelton Law Offices, Robert Pelton, Attorney, (1986–2008)
Williams, Batchelder, Johnson, Bux and Bramley Attorneys, (1987–Present)
1. Law Firm acquired the full second floor and remodeled space in 1987.
2. In 2016, the western area was leased to Project Learn (the Bookshelf) for classrooms and office space as Williams and Batchelder did not need the space any longer.
3. William G. Batchelder, Jr., John W. Brown and C. Nevada Johnson, Jr. have passed away and William G. Batchelder III and Roberta A. Johnson, Successor Trustee of the C. Nevada Johnson, Jr. Trust now own the building.
Pelton and Pelton Law Offices, Robert Pelton, Attorney, (1986–2008)
Old Towne Title Agency LLC, (2002–2009)
Project Learn, Karla Robinson, Prop. (2009–Present)
1. Project Learn (Let Every Adult Read Now) of Medina County was founded in 1983 by Ellen Daiber, who saw the need to provide literacy assistance to individuals in the community. Starting in an office in a church basement in Medina, Project: LEARN now have three locations in Medina County to provide tutoring to adults in reading, math, and English as a Second Language.
#107 West Liberty Street: Steeb Block-1888, Harding Bldg.-1921
In 1920 Firm L. Harding purchased the Frank Steeb estate just west of Branard Block and will erect a fine new business Block to replace the wooden 2 story building where Mr. Steeb carried out his tailoring business for so many years, now occupied by M.T. Wright’s Stationery Store
Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Line, (1875–1880)
1. Student operators in Old Foundry Bldg., 1 door west of the Empire Block in 1875.
J. Steeb and Son, Merchant Tailors, John and Frank W. Steeb, Props. (1880–1917)
1. J. Steeb and Son, merchant tailors, have moved into the new block just completed next door west of Barnard's block, where they will hence forth be found. Merchant tailoring promptly done. Clothes on hand for sale.
2. Frank W. Steeb, was tailor for 35 yrs. 1st with dad at Tailor Aaron Sanders, and then at their own business to 1917, died in 1918.
Gray Printing, J. G. Gray, Prop., (1917–1919)
1. Business property of The News (later part of the Gazette), plant on West Liberty, burned out and he moved to Fostoria, Ohio.
Wright Book Store, Myren T. Wright, Prop. (1919–1921)
1. In 1920, Firm L Harding purchased the Frank Steeb estate just west of Hemmeter (Barnard) block and will erect a fine new business block to replace the wooden 2 story building where Mr. Steeb carried out his tailoring business for so many years, now occupied by M. T. Wright’s stationery store.
2. M. T. Wright moved his business to #213 South Court Street in 1921.
F. L. Harding owner of the frame structure at #107 West Liberty Street raised the building and replaced it with a brick, 2 story unit in 1921.
Citizens Savings and Loan, (1922-1937)
1. Citizens renovated veneer brick front, dug basement for heating plant. Offices on 2nd floor replace apartment in 1926.
2. 1932-Decision to reduce the interest rates paid on savings deposits and on certificates of deposit has been announced by directors of the Citizens Savings and Loan Company. Rates of four percent, on savings deposit, four and a half per cent, on certificates of deposit on money left with the institution for a year will be paid in the future.
3. George R. Galbreath, Manager. Medina Realty bought Citizens Bank assets and property for sale in 1937.
Harding Building Purchased by M. O. Hallock in 1937.
Hinkle Barbershop, Grace and Al Hinkle, Prop. (1937–1941)
Fred and Glenn’s Barber Shop, Fred Schindelholz and Glenn Rohrbaugh, Props. (1941-1956)
1. Fred and Glenn purchased the property of Al Hinkle in 1944 and added a 4th chair and a barber, Dale Binegar.
Rohrbaugh Barber Shop, Glenn Rohrbaugh, Prop. (1957–1959)
1. Glenn became the sole proprietor when Fred Schindelholz passed away in 1956.
Glenn and Son’s Barber Shop, Glenn and Max Rohrbaugh, Props. (1960–1963)
Max and Clyde’s Barber Stylists, Max and Clyde Rohrbaugh, Prop. (1963-1980)
Max’s Comb and Shears, Max Rohrbaugh, Prop. (1980-1995)
Doug’s Comb and Shears Barber Shop, Douglas Ellison, Prop. (1996–1999)
Cleckner Barber Shop, Jim Cleckner, Prop. (2000-Present)
The Harding building has been home to barber shop proprietors for 80 consecutive years.
#107.5 West Liberty Street: 2nd Floor, Steeb Block–1888, Harding Bldg.-1921
Unknown Proprietors or Occupants, (1888-1909)
Dr. A. E. Shaw Optometrist, (1909–1919)
Judge Nathan H. McClure, (1920-1926)
1. Judge McClure who was Mayor of Medina from 1895 to 1898 moved his offices.
2. Professional Offices on 2nd floor replace apartment in 1926.
K. R. Moore Farm Loans, (1927–1929)
A. M. Flanery Insurance Agency, (1927–1927)
1.. Business taken over by Clarence. D. Rickard in 1927.
Mae V. and J. R. Moore, Apartment, (1927–1929)
Clarence D. Richard Insurance Agency, (1927–1949)
Charles W. Adams Lumber Company Offices, (1930–1931)
William H. Kroeger Building and Loan Association, (1935–1936)
Dr. C. R. Barnard, Optometrist, (1936–1937)
Dr. E. J .McGuire, Optometrist, (1937–1937)
1. Dr. McGuire bought Dr. C. R. Barnard practice in 1937.
Dr. J. M. Gilcrest, Optometrist, (1936-1938)
Unknown Proprietors or Occupants, (1939-1942)
T. V. Foskett, Attorney, (1943–1948)
Clayton. J. Oberholtzer, Attorney, (1947-1948)
John H. Ziegler, Accountant, (1948–1953)
Zeigler and Kleines, Accountants, (1953–1955)
Medina Realty Company, Robert V. Mattingly, Prop., (1948–1951)
Retail Credit Company, (1948–1951)
Medina Chamber of Commerce, (1952–1953)
Benner’s Watch and Clock Shop, Kenny Benner, Prop., 1952–1953)
Thomas J. Neff, (1953-1955)
Louisville Title Insurance Company, Don Springate, Prop., (1955–1959)
Daniel Springate, Attorney, (1956–1962)
Joseph F. Mora, Apartment, (1963–1965)
Vacant Apartment, (1966–1980)
Chicago Title Agency, (1980–1984)
Alan Hallock, Realtor, (1985–1990)
Vacant, (1991–1992)
Thomas Bartel, (1993–1993)
M. D. Kramer, (1994–1999)
Vacant Apartment, (2000–2001)
Jeremy B. Reitzel, (2002–2003)
M. D. Kramer, (2004–2010)
Second Floor closed for business occupancy in 2010
#109 West Liberty Street: Young and Gish Bldg.-1910
Andrew Greisinger sold Lot 145 to Charles Crofoot for $250 in 1902.
Bertie A. Barnard sold Lot 145 to George Young for $1000 in 1910.
1. George Young bought vacant lot on West Liberty Street just west of Barnard block from Bertha Barnard and will build a meat market there in 1910.
Young’s Meat Market and Tobacconist, George Young, Prop. (1911–1912)
1. New building occupied by Young Meat Market opposite the Electric Station and Lot 145 sold to Harriet and A. A. Gish for $3500 in 1912.
Gish Ice Cream and Confectionary Store, Arbor A. Gish, Prop. (1912-1926)
1. George Young sold 109 West Liberty Street building to Harriet Gish in 1912
2. A. A. Gish added 2nd story and 20’, 2 story addition to north of his block in 1915 for steam laundry business.
3. Family will occupy upper rooms as a residence in 1916.
4. Arbor A. Gish has owned his building for 14 years in 1927.
Herrington Confectionary, Fred Harrington, Prop. (1926–1929)
1. Arbor A. Gish sold his business to Fred Herrington in 1926.
2. Fred Herrington was a school superintendent for many years before moving to Medina in 1926 from Hebron, Indiana.
3. Fred H. Herrington business moved to 113 West Liberty Street building in 1929.
Green Lantern Soda Grill, C. A. Snyder, Prop. (1930-1931)
1. Edward Dalitz sold his confectionary business to C.A. Snyder in 1930 who completely modernized it into an attractive resort in 1930.
Batdorff Restaurant, Baird Monroe “Bert” Batdorff, Prop. (1931-1933)
1. Baird Monroe Batdorff Restaurant went bankrupt in 1933.
Arbor A. Gish sold his building to Mary Leah Martin in 1934.
1. Barn in the rear of the Martin building was destroyed by fire from a carelessly tossed cigarette from hand of a youngster in 1945.
Liberty Restaurant, Scott Tompkins and Howard Christian, Props. (1933-1935)
1. Liberty Restaurant managers Tompkins and Christian remodeled and obtained a beer license in 1933.
Liberty Restaurant, Scott Tompkins, Prop. (1935-1936)
1. Tompkins bought out partner Howard Christian in 1935.
2. Scott Tompkins sold Liberty Restaurant to Harlan Moffet in 1936.
Liberty Restaurant, A. C. Moffet, Prop. (1936–1940)
1. Liberty Restaurant has $10,000 fire in the building owned by Dan Martin and spreads to Mae Levet adjoining building and destroyed 2nd floor apartment occupied by F. A. Herrington. The fire also caused damage to Dan Martin apartment above restaurant. Liberty Restaurant closed and building is to get new front and remodeling in 1940.
Lance and Company, Sidney Lance, Prop. (1941-1979)
Christopher J. Collier, Attorney, (1980-1981)
David N. Brown, LPA, (1981–1989)
John P. Hurt, LPA, (1982–1985)
James A. Amodio, LP, (1982–1989)
United Way Services of Northern Medina County, (1985-1989)
D. E. Miehls, Attorney, (1988-1991)
Ian S. Haberman, Attorney, (1988-1989)
1. Moved to #225 E Liberty in 1989.
Brown, Amodio and Warrell, LPA, David N. Brown, James Amodio, Michael Warrell, (1989-Present)
#109.5 West Liberty Street: Young and Gish Bldg.-1910, 2nd Floor
Unknown Proprietors or Occupants, (1910-1925)
Mary Leah and Dan L Martin, Apartment, (1925–1951)
1. Mary L. Martin, widow of Dan. L. Martin (mail clerk at A. I. Root) left in 1951.
Roy English, apartment, (1938-?)
Estelle Taylor, apartment, (1948-?)
M. M. Gerspacher Office, (1958-?)
Lance and Company, (1958-1992)
Academy Title Agency Inc., (1992–2010)
Lista Intel Corporation, (1992–1999)
Windsong Homes Inc., (1995–1999)
William J Muniak, Attorney, (1997–2001)
Quality Court Reporting, (2000–2000)
Lutheran Brotherhood, (2002–2003)
Gerald L Jeppy, Attorney, (2002–2012)
Barbera Richard, (2003–2010)
Farnham Insurance Group, (2004–2005)
Partners Financial Group, (2004–2005)
AFC Title Agency Inc., (2006–2008)
ICE Law Offices, 2012–2016)
#111 West Liberty Street: Tonsing Bldg.-1859, Young and Gish Bldg.-1910, Lamphear Bldg.-1946
1. Williams’ Medina City Directory has a listing for a man named J.T. Ainsworth who owned a stove and plow shop. Mr. Hyde and Hallock both suppose he use this old shed as storage for extra equipment. The date of the directory is surprisingly 1859-1860, suggesting Lot #144 in fact existed before the famous fire of 1870
Tonsing Coffins and Cabinet Ware, E. F. Tonsing, Prop. (1859-1866)
Smith Drugs and Medicines, Dr. Sidney J. Smith, Prop. (1867–1897)
Hatch and Selkirk Meat Market, Props, (1897-1900)
United Gas Service Station, (1900-1921)
1. During the mid-1900s, construction men working outside the lot dug up a 50 gallon gas tank buried under the sidewalk. The glass cylinder suggests that the building was not only a gas station, but also Medina’s first, sometime during 1900-1921.
Wilkinson Tire Repair, (1922-1927)
1. It has been owned and operated by Hugh ‘Jack’ Lamphear who purchased and remodeled the building directly across West Liberty Street at #110, where he will move in 1926.
The Indoe and Hatch Dairy, (1927–1930)
1. The Hatch Dairy was a welcoming bakery that sold things such as milk and cheese.
Hatch Dairy Store and Delicatessen, Claude Hatch, Prop. (1930–1939)
1. In 1930, Mr. Hatch purchased the one-half interests of Mr. Indoe in the dairy store in 1930.
2. William Lamphear has coon dog kennel at rear of the building in 1932.
Hatch Dairy and Delicatessen, Pearl Biggs, Prop. (1939-1945)
1. Mr. and Mrs. Biggs of Newcastle, Penn. purchased the C. M. Hatch Dairy and will continue the business under the name of Hatch Dairy and Delicatessen
Jam Bar, H. Jack Lamphear and Kathryn Lamphear, Prop. (1945–1956)
1. While the deed for 111 West Liberty reads that Hugh “Jack” and his wife Katie Lamphear purchased the building on March 23, 1946, the Jam Bar was in fact operating before this date.
2. In the year 1944, Jack Lamphear became one of the 16 million Americans serving their country in the Second World War. Left behind with the family, his wife Katie found herself alone and searching for some sort of stable income. She found this source in the opportunity offered by 111 West Liberty Street. Katie extended the rear of the former Hatch Dairy and soon opened the Medina Grill or Jam Bar.
3. Mrs. Lamphear ran the restaurant by herself, but did not have enough finances to purchase the lot. She was forced to rent, save and hope, waiting for her husband to return home. Uncertain of the future, she risked total bankruptcy as she took on an entire business, along with her responsibilities in her home.
4. Renovations that the Lamphear's have made at #111 West Liberty Street included new fixtures, booths, lights and kitchen equipment.
5. They added a new brick front to the building and continued to expand their pride and joy that amazingly had stemmed from a simple storage shed.
Jam Bar, C. F., Vivian and Ruth B. Bracy, Props. (1956-1992)
1. In 1956, Katie earned a well-deserved retirement and she turned the Jam Bar operation over to her daughter, and family.
2. Jam Bar former customers describe the scene as a cool, dark and smoky bar that usually welcomed local city proprietors who stopped in to unwind after a long day’s work.
Dan’s Dogs, Steve Chylik, Prop. (1992-2014)
1. “Whenever I’m asked what the special for today is, I tell them: Everything here is special, every day.” –Steve Chylik, owner Dan’s Dogs
2. Dan’s Dogs was undertaken by Steve and Kay Chylik after they had heard word that the popular eatery was going up for sale. Their decision to transition from the bar business to restaurants has proved to be a stellar financial victory, as business has more than doubled since the couple took over. On average, they sell over 7,000 hot dogs a month.
Dan’s Dogs, Hot Dog Eatery and Diner, Paul Davis, Prop. (2014-2018)
1. Steve Chylik leased with option to buy Dan’s Dogs to Paul Davis in 2014.
The Original Dan’s Dogs Diner, Jason and Dana Graf, Jon McCale and Randi Suliks and Joe Inglett, props. (2018-present)
1. They don’t want to change the menu of Dan’s Dogs or the ambiance of the diner-style restaurant. But the name of the popular hot-dog eatery was tweaked to The Original Dan’s Dogs Diner.
2. Three families have invested equally in the restaurant at 111 W. Liberty St., just off the Square in Medina. The new restaurant will have a soft opening at 11 a.m. Wednesday. Its grand opening will be July 6 with some special promotions.
3. The owners are Jason and Dana Graf, who also own of Ferrell-Whited Physical Therapy Services, 700 E. Washington St., Medina; Jon McCale and fiancé Randi Suliks; and Joe Inglett.
4. The group purchased the business from the previous owners, Steve and Kay Chylik, who had owned it since 1995. Paul and Terra Davis had a lease-to-own agreement with Chylik for three years before the restaurant closed May 29. They are no longer in the picture.
5. “We want to continue the legacy of Paul and Terra Davis,” Jason Graf said. “They did a good job with the diner. We want to continue what was started years ago.”
#111.5 West Liberty Street: Tonsing Bldg.-1859, Young and Gish Bldg.-1910, Lamphear Bldg.-1946, 2nd Floor
Willard C. Stephenson (1948-1951)
Hugh W. Lanphear, (1952–1971)
C. F. Bracy and Vivian Bracy, Ruth V. Bracy (1956–2005)
Lewis Clare, (1960–1962)
Joseph Gibbs, (1963-1965)
Christopher Jones, (1976-1977)
Vicki L. Patterson, (1976-1982)
Jeff Fortney, (1981–1981)
D. L. Ganyard, (1985-1994)
C. C. Kenzig, (1985-1992)
D. J. Coudret, (1994–2015)
Kristen Hiller, (1995-1997)
Tom Danko, (2001–2002)
#113 West Liberty Street: Levet-Waters Block–c.1904
Levet and Waters, Building Contractors, (1904)
1. They bought the east half of the Old Foundry Building next to Hobart’s Grocery.
2. Levet and Waters veneered the outside in brick, added basement and. steam heating plant.
3. They rented the entire building to A. F. Lutz who will continue his restaurant business opposite the Electric Station in 1904.
4. Levet and Waters were partners for 43 years and built 100 dwellings, 15 new business blocks and the Baptist Church in 1922.
Lutz Restaurant, A. F. Lutz, Prop. (1904–1911)
1. Sold restaurant and furnishings to S. J. Rumbaugh in 1911.
White Front Restaurant, S. J. Rumbaugh, Prop. (1911–1915)
White Front Restaurant, Richard W. Reinhart, Prop. (1915–1916)
White Front Restaurant, Funk Brothers, Props. (1916–1917)
1. Sold to H. R. Stoner; Funk Bros have been conducting it in 1916.
White Front Restaurant, W. H. Reinhart, Prop. (1917–1922)
1. H. R. Stoner sold Restaurant to W. H. Reinhart in 1917.
2. First Kiwanis meeting was held at White Front restaurant in 1919.
White Front Restaurant, George Williams, Prop. (1923–1925)
Herrington’s Restaurant, James Herrington, Clare Tooker, Prop. (1925–1927)
1. Clare Tooker partner with J. M. Herrington in White Front for 8 months was dissolved in 1927.
Herrington’s Restaurant, James Herrington, Prop. (1927–1934)
1. Jim also owned the American House Hotel for a short period of time.
2. Jim was the son of Fred and Anna Grace Herrington.
Herrington’s News Agency, Fred A. Herrington, Prop. (1931–1944)
1. Herrington moved here from 109 West Liberty Street in 1931.
Herrington’s News Agency, Anna Grace “Ma” Herrington, Prop. (1944–1947)
1. Herrington News Agency left 113 and moved 1 door west to 115 in 1937.
2. Mrs.. Fred A. Herrington sold News Agency to Percy “Perc” Fenn.
Medina Fruit and Vegetable Market, Ben Oster, Prop. (1947–1948)
Fenn’s News Agency, Percy Fenn, Prop. (1947–1954)
1. Fenn added a Food Store in 1950, when Ben Oster moved his Fruit and Vegetable business from the other part of the store room.
2. Fenn News Agency and Food Store sold to Arnold Blumenthal in 1954.
A and E News Agency and Grocery, Arnold Blumenthal, Prop. (1954–1955)
1. Blumenthal sold business to Lloyd Fisher & Dave Campbell of Fisher & Campbell in 1955.
Fisher and Campbell Grocery Store, Lloyd Fisher & David Campbell, Props. (1955–1959)
Moxley and Oley World Travel, John Moxley, Prop. (1960–1963)
Fields and Williams Beauty Shop, Mrs. Fields & June Williams, Prop. (1964–1965)
Artistic Hair Stylist , (1966–1997)
Vacant, (1998–1998)
James Gerspacher Real Estate, James Gerspacher, Prop. (1999-2011)
Earth Mother’s Metaphysical Boutique, (2012–2016)
1. Their business closed in August, 2016.
Theorem by Antiquation, Eric Schultz, Prop. (2016-2019)
Mr. Schultz opened his second Medina store in 2016, while maintaining operations at the first store at #236 South Court Street
Mary Christine Photographic Studio, Mary Armstrong, Prop., (2019-Present).
1. In 2017 and 2018, Mary Christine Photography was named one of the top Akron Newborn Photographer by Expertise.com.
2. Her studio, which opened in October, is located at 113 West Liberty Street. There, she handles maternity shoots, photographs newborns, and does shoots of infants throughout their first year of life.
#115 West Liberty Street: Levet-Waters Block-c-1920
Clint Bradway Drug Store, Clint Bradway, Prop. (1922–1925)
Purple Lantern Ice Cream, (1926–1927)
Herrington Confectionary Store, James Harrington, Prop. (1928–1934)
Medina Cash Market, Carl Mischnick, Prop. (1935-1936)
1. Mae Levet daughter of builder William Levet owns the building and remodeled it to suit Medina Cash Market in 1935.
2. Medina Cash Market owned by Roy Loutzenheiser since 1925 moved here in 1935 and was sold to Carl Mischnick in 1935.
Medina Cash Market, Clifford Padgett, Prop. (1936–1941)
1. Carl Mischnick sold to Clifford Padgett in 1936 and moved in 1942.
$10,000 fire damage to Levet-Waters Block in 1940.
Richard Wildman purchased the Levet-Waters Block in 1941.
Medina Cash Market, Vernon Horton, Prop., (1941–1942)
Medina Fruit and Vegetable Market, Phillip Friedman, Prop. (1943–1947)
1. Business sold to Ben Oster in 1947.
Herrington’s News Agency, Anna Grace “Ma” Herrington, Prop. (1937–1947)
1. Herrington News Agency left #113 and moved 1 door west to #115 in 1937.
2. Mrs. Fred A. Herrington sold News Agency to Percy “Perc” Fenn in 1947.
Fenn’s News Agency, Percy Fenn, Prop. (1947–1954)
1. Fenn added a Food Store in 1950, when Ben Oster moved his Fruit and Vegetable business from the other part of the store room.
2. Fenn News Agency & Food Store sold to Arnold Blumenthalin 1954.
A and E News Agency & Grocery, Arnold Blumenthal, Prop. (1954–1955)
1. Blumenthal sold business to Lloyd Fisher & Dave Campbell of Fisher & Campbell in 1955.
Fisher and Campbell Grocery Store, Lloyd Fisher & David Campbell, Props. (1955–1959)
Moxley and Oley World Travel, John Moxley, Prop. (1960–1963)
Sportsman Shop, Hinkle’s Billiards, Rea Express, (1963–1964)
Fields Barbershop, Shiloh Fields, Prop. (1964-1973)
1. Established his shop in 1930 in old Sentinel Bldg. on North Court Street.
2. Sentinel location Barber assistant was William LeFever for 4 yrs.
3. Next door is Mrs. Fields and daughter June Williams Beauty Shop.
Men’s World Barber Shop, (1974-1998)
American Video Productions, (1999–2000)
Gerspacher Realty, (2001-2011)
A Cupcake A Day, Shawna Rollheiser, Prop. (2011–Present)
#115.5 West Liberty Street: Levet-Waters Block,-1920, 2nd Floor
The majority of Occupants of the 2nd floor of this address were apartment renters.
Lillian and Merlin Seymour (Barber), apartment, (1937–1939)
1. Merlin Seymour died in his residence over Medina Cash Market in 1939.
Lillian B. and Philip Finch (bricklayer) apartment, (1948–1952)
1. Children: Eileen, Richard and Phyllis Seymour
Donald L. Brandow, apartment, (1953-1955)
Douglas Maitland, apartment, (1955-1956)
Harry F. Klein, Real Estate Company, (1956–1960)
Lucille E. and Sara E. Derck, (1960-1963)
F. W. Adkins, (1960-1963)
Robert D. Stewart Jr, (1963-1965)
Michael A. Barron, (1963-1965)
Elva Kitzmiller, (1966-1969)
Mrs. G. M. Schaulin, (1966-1971)
Jean T. Cottingham, (1969–1974)
Dayton H. and Larry W. Brown, (1971-1973)
James M. Crawford, (1974-1975)
Margaret M. Maxfield, (1976-1978)
Charles H. Gifford, (1976-1981
Gilbert Cerny, (1982–1984)
Donald R. Noll, (1985–1987)
Joseph M. Reichert, (1988-1990)
Mark and Carol Shiverdecker, (1991–1992)
Cliff A. Buettner, (1993–1993)
P. A. Nicholas, (1994-1996)
D. and T. Scheiman, (1997–1998)
Tom Danko, (1999–2000)
J. Balaun, (1999–2002)
Jason Hall, (2001–2009)
Radka Harr, (2002–2003)
R. L. Jones, (2003–2003)
John McCarroll, (2004–2004)
Linda Sampson, (2009–2010)
Christian Sampson, (2011–2011)
Thomas Danko, (2012–2012)
Alanis Keffer, (2012–2012)
Carol Kenzig, (2012–2012)
John McCarrol, (2013–2013)
Tina Malone, (2013–2013)
Brandi Wygal, (2013–2013)
#117 West Liberty Street: Bartholomay Block– c.-1923
Old Foundry Building at 121 West Liberty now the Bartholomay Block at 117 West Liberty Street in 1923.
Palmer Drug Store, Dr. D. Palmer, Allopathic Office, (1872–1875)
Bradway Drugs and Books Store, D. C. Bradway, Prop. (1873-1885)
1. D. C. Bradway Drug Store with Dr. Palmer, Physician’s Office is located just east of Old Foundry Building.
2. D. C. Bradway and Dr. Palmer manufacturer and sell Dr. Palmer’s medicines in 1873.
Chavers Barber Shop, Mrs. E. M. Chavers, Prop. 1878-1885)
1. Get a shampoo or haircut in my shop at the west door of the old Foundry building.
Schular Barber Shop and Shaving Parlor, Capt. Henry Schular, Prop. (1885-1901)
1. Schular had 240 shaving mugs, but gave them to descendants of the previous owners.
2. Schuler moved to the Brenner Block on South Court Street in 1901-1944.
Robinson Tin, Slate and Plumbing Shop, A. N. Robinson, Prop. (1912-1920)
A. F. Bartholomay Meat Market, A. F. Bartholomay, Prop. (1921–1927)
Propieietor Alfred Bartholomay is in the doorway on the right side.
1. William W. Bradway sells building to A. F. Bartholomay in 1921.
2. Julia Christine and Albert F. Bartholomay sell store fixtures in 1927.
Old foundry building is now the Bartholomay block in 1921.
1. Inez Bartholomay sold the building to Fred Schindelholtz in 1927.
Diehl’s Billard and Barber Shop, Eddie Diehl, Prop. (1929–1933)
Rinehart’s Restaurant, William Rinehart, Prop. (1934-1937)
The "Key to Success," which so many of us are seeking, may be found. Mr. and Mrs. William Rinehart, whose Rinehart Restaurant is located now at 117 West Liberty, Medina, are two people who have found that key. Out of the many thousands of people interviewed by the Who's Who editor, those who have succeeded in making their own way in the world are those who knew their work, knew how todo it, and WORKED. That is what the Rinehart’s have done.
At Rinehart’s, real food is prepared 'in an appetizing: way. No one would think of asking:" Are these vegetables or fruits fresh?" or "Is this meat really the best?" One naturally knows that he may get the best possible food, the freshest vegetables, the choicest meats, at lowest consistent cost, always at Rinehart’s. Have you ever experienced the thrill of a hearty welcome, the happiness of personal service and the advantage of real food and delicious cooking? Rinehart's, in Medina, is one of the first recommended to a stranger asking in the vicinity for "a good place to eat where no liquor is served. ** And the entire establishment is under the expert direction of William Rinehart,
Mr. Rinehart was a stationary engineer with A. I. Root for 21 years. He owned a restaurant for seven years, right next to the present location almost 20 years ago. He moved to Cleveland for a number of years, and then he just had to return to Medina two years ago and follow his same occupation, giving the very best in servicing appetizing food to his Medina enthusiasts. Mrs. Rinehart is actively engaged in the restaurant work. One does not wonder at delicious cooking when he knows that Mrs. Rinehart is "Chief “in the kitchen.
The Rinehart’s are wholehearted Medina county folk and we are glad to include their names in our Who's Who Roll of Honor. Mr. Rinehart laughingly admits that his first little boy money was earned in Cleve- land as a "newsy." Fishing and hunting would be hobbies if there were time. But there isn't. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rinehart are kept actively engaged every day in their endeavor to give the best food possible to their line of steady patrons.
1. Fireproof addition added to Bowman Building in 1934.
Medina Auto Parts Company, Edwin Morse, Prop. (1937-1968)
1. Edwin Morse bought the building in the midst of the Great Depression; he borrowed $2,000 and created a business that would be passed down through three generations
2. Brick addition added 30x48’ to rear of building in 1946.
3. Morse moved business to 120 West Liberty Street in 1968.
Foster Cleaners, (1969-1974)
1. Mrs. Edwin Morse, owner, completely remodeled the building to fit the needs of Foster Dry Cleaners with assistance of the Community Design Commission in 1968.
Quality Dry Cleaners, (1975–1977)
Al’s Laundry and Dry Cleaners, (1978–1982)
Mary Al’s Cleaners , (1983–1988)
Medina Auto Parts Machine Shop, (1989-2003)
Leaf and Bean Café, (2004–2004)
Medina Mountain Motors, (2003–2009)
Sully’s Pub and Grill, John Sullivan, (2008–Present)
1. Sully’s is a well-known restaurant in Medina County and can be found in the midst of Medina’s square. The pub is a popular restaurant due to its authentic Irish food and its ability to embrace everyone for whatever they may be looking for, whether that may be to socialize with friends and family or just to visit an environment that embraces Ireland’s heritage.
2. 117 West Liberty Street is an ever changing and progressing location as the people change in their wants the businesses change in their services.
#117.5 West Liberty Street: Bartholomay Block– c.-1923
Shoe Repair Shop (1923-1925)
1. The building holds residential apartments upstairs and a business downstairs and has both short term and long term tenants
Fred Schindelholtz (1923-1927)
1. Fred Schindelholtz winters in Bartholomay block in 1923.
2. Inez Bartholomay sold the building to Fred Schindelholtz in 1927.
Susan and Harold Woden, (1923-1927)
1. Susan and Harold Woden winter in Bartholomay block in 1923.
William H. Lance, (1935-1940)
Dr, John R. Markel, Dentist, (1936–1937)
Ellsworth Phillips, (1940-1943)
Norman Aber, (1943-1946)
Dale Bachtell, (1947–1948)
A. Gyori, (1947-1948)
Faye Bachtell, (1948–1949
Ted Foskett Attorney, (1951–1951)
Maxine Davis, (1952-1955)
Vacant, (1956-1970)
Claude T. Timmons, (1971–1974)
Mildred M. Lamb, (1971-1974)
Howard Clawson, (1974-1976)
Alverta Timmons, (1976- 1978)
David W Albright, (1978-1980)
Vacant, (1981-1982)
Dorothy Moore, (1985-1988)
Mark Schaefer, (1988-1991)
Peter J. Schula, 1988-1992)
Hospice of Medina County (1991–1991)
1. The Morse family was kind enough to allow Medina Hospice to occupy the upper section of the building for free until the business had accumulated enough to get their own building.
Steve Komjati, (1991–2015)
Gary T. Downing (1998–1998)
Garry Kessel, (1999–2003)
Duane A Hudson, (2004–2004)
Jon Borden, (2009–2009)
Ronald Smith, (2012–2013)
#121 West Liberty Street: Old Foundry Bldg.–c.-1845
Judah Throop Ainsworth came to Medina in 1840. He lived at the south-east corner of Lafayette and Court Streets, known as the Seaton property. In 1842 he moved to North Elmwood Street Lucia Sedgwick property.
The J. T. Ainsworth Company manufactured castings road scrapers, sugar cane mills, and iron railing, cast iron hitching posts, and sleigh and cutter shoes, pipe boxes and hollow ware.
Ainsworth Iron Foundry, Judah T. Ainworth, Prop. (1842–1860)
1. 1860 - Died, at his residence in this village, Feb. 15, alter an illness of one week, J.T. Ainsworth, aged 52 years. The funeral services took place last Sunday in the Congregational church. The following gentlemen acted as bearers; Hiram Bronson, A. Peak, Judge Humphrevilie, J.B. Beckwith, A.Warner, W. Chidester, H. Alden, Esq., and J.H. Aibro. The sermon was preached by Rev. S.V. Barnes, assisted by Rev. A.Grosvener (Congregational,), Rev.G.S. Davis (Episcopal, and Rev, Michael Shank (Baptist.)
Webber and Bradway Foundry, George E. Webber and W. C. Bradway, Props. (1860–1872)
1. Purchased the Foundry formerly owned by J. T. Ainsworth
Bradway Foundry, D. C. Bradway, Prop. (1872–1877)
1. Bradway iron foundry and machine shop manufactures plows and general repairing.
2. Foundry building one door east of the Baptist Church and west of the Empire Block in 1872.
Bradway Foundry, William H. Bradway, Prop. (1877–1880)
1. W.H. Bradway bought the foundry in 1877 from D. C. Bradway including Lots 144, 146, 161, and Lot 81.
Medina Foundry, George E. Webber and J. F. Webber, Props. (1880–1911)
1. W. H. Bradway Medina Foundry sold to G. E. Webber and Son, J.F. Webber in 1880.
Bradway Furnace Company, W. H. Bradway and Herbert Bradway, Props. (1912–1922)
William H. Bradway will remodel the Old Foundry building by brick veneering and removing the 3rd story in 1912.
Old Foundry Building at 121 West Liberty now the Bartholomay Block at 117 West Liberty Street in 1923.
#121.5 West Liberty Street: Old Foundry Bldg.–c.-1845
Alvah Washburn Watch Maker, (1867-1880)
1. Alvah Washburn, inventor of the paper folder is an ingenious and skillful machinist and engraver on the 2nd floor of the Old Foundry Building and he also repaired clocks and watches.
2. His Brother, Christopher was a Tailor.
Washburn and Wells, Machinists, Alvah Washburn and David A. Wells, Props. (1880–1887)
1. Washburn and Wells new steam boiler was invented and sold in 1880.
2. D. A. Wells is repairing the 50-horse power engine belonging to the Lodi Mill.
Washburn Engine Company, Inc., Alvah Washburn, President, (1887–1900)
1.. Washburn Engine Co. incorporated for $16,000. First ever stock Company in Medina in 1887.
2. Enterprise.—It is but due to our enterprising machinist, Mr. A. Washburn, on second floor of the old foundry building, to make mention of the machinery he has lately been purchasing. He has now in operation one of Lewis' best screw-cutting lathes, a 20-inch Bickford upright power drill, a 6-1/2 feet Enterprise Machine Co. planer, a foot-power lathe, and a power grindstone, which is all driven by a new Payne & Son's engine and boiler and all the necessary small tools to do general repairing of all kinds, and for making small machinery and model work. He also makes honey-comb foundation mills. Don't fail to give him a callwhen you want anything repaired or made to order.
3. Alvah Washburn sold his interest in factory building to D.C. Bradway in 1900.
4. Alvah Washburn sold lots to D.C. Bradway for $4200 in 1901.
#125 West Liberty Street: First Baptist Church-1910
First Baptist Church, (1845–1979)
The First Baptist Church, located on West Liberty, once occupied the space that is now the Medina City parking lot #2. This image is most likely from the 1920's, and the church had been standing since the 19th century. The First Baptist Church would continue to stand for decades after this picture was taken. To the left of the church, is the A. F. Lutz home. The tower behind the church on the far right is one of the first water towers constructed in Medina on West Friendship Street and it was later moved.
Reverend M. Newton, (1833-1839)
1. On August 20, 1833, the First Baptist Church of Medina was organized with fourteen charter members.
2. A schoolhouse located at Fenn's Corners, two and a half miles north of Medina, served as the first meeting place.
3. By the end of the first year the membership had reached twenty-six.
Reverend D. A. Randall, (1839-1845)
1. The church began holding services in Medina Village in March, 1839 in various homes, in the courthouse, or in the school house.
2. In May, 1840, the membership reached forty-six under the Reverend Mr. D. A. Randall.
3. In September of 1845, the cornerstone of the first church edifice was laid. Stones were hauled in from nearby fields and the timber was hauled from the woods. This made the building of the church slow and difficult. Thus the first building was finally completed and dedicated on August 12, 1847.
Reverend Andrew M. Torbet, (1846-1853)
1. In 1848, another 15 members joined in from the former Second Baptist Church in Hamilton's Corners and the first Sunday school was organized.
Reverend Michael Shank, (1853-1860)
1. Medina Baptist Church first pews were rented for 1 year in 1857. It was typical in those days for church members to pledge their support of the church in the form of pew rental. The box pews had doors on the center aisle so only the family that rented a particularpew for a year would use it.
2. The story is told that on a Sunday morning when Reverend Shank was preaching in the country the clouds began to gainer for a rain storm. Adjoining the church lot was a field of mown hay which could be spoiled if rained upon. Mr. Shank left the pulpit, led the brethren into the field, got the hay into the farmer's barn, then
returned to the pulpit and finished he sermon.
3. On another occasion when pastor of this church and two small boys were disturbing the service, he came down from the pulpit, took the offenders in hand, led them to the back of the congregation and placed them in two closets for the remainder of the service. These closets were located on either side at the front of the church and were used for storing wood.
Reverend G. W. Nead, (1874-1879)
1. Medina First Baptist church holds immersion baptism at the Bostwick lot on Champion Creek in 1877.
Professor S. H. Herriman, (1880-1887)
1. From 1880 to 1887 there was no pastor, but Professor S. H. Herriman, the superintendent of the Medina Public Schools, filled the pulpit.
Reverend B. F. Griffith, (1896-1907) and Reverend L. A. Wo
1. Rev. Griffith was also responsible for the founding of the Second Baptist Church during his ministry here.
2. The construction of the present church was started with the cornerstone being laid in 1903. Part of the building was ready for occupancy in 1905, but it was not until additional funds were secured from the Robert Hall estate and from John D. Rockefeller that the new church was finally completed and dedicated debt free on October 2. 1910.
3. In 1910, John D. Rockefeller Jr. gave $500 for a new auditorium for Medina Baptist Church; Mrs. N. O. Fuller of the Medina congregation was his Sunday school teacher in Cleveland
4. C. Edward Richards of Columbus, Ohio was architect of the new church building.
Reverend S. F. Dimmock, (1913-1919)
1. A Carnegie organ was secured for the church and installed in December, 1913.
2. Rev. Mr. Dimmrock also served as Mayor of Medina Village for two years.
Reverend G. W. Bates, (1933-1945)
1. During his twelve year ministry, 175 were added to the church membership.
Reverend James Comstock, (1946-1950)
1. Rev. Comstock wrote the constitution for the church, which became a member of the General Association of Regular Baptists
Reverend R. Kenneth Smelser, (1951-1972)
1. The church became affiliated with the American and International Council of Christian Churches.
2. During the summer months, Rev. Smelser holds Sunday evening services in the Public Square Park.
3. Dan R. Pelton estate sold his lot to the west side to the First Baptist Church in 1964; includes parking lot and 5 rental apartments, a commercial building and shoe repair and will provide for expansion and parking in 1964.
Reverend L. Max Deffenbaugh, (1977-1987)
1. The First Baptist Church continued to serve Christian families in the Medina County area until November of 1979, when a new Church and Christian School was built and dedicated on Medina Road east of Medina City limits.
2. The old church was finally sold in 1984 after being tied up in disputes over whether it should be preserved as part of Medina's official heritage and if so, who would maintain it. Usefulness of the land outweighed the historical value and the church was torn down for a parking lot.
Medina City Public Parking Lot, (1985-Present)
#133 West Liberty Street: Lutz House-c.-1900
Clarence D. Bean, Residence and Piano Tuning, (1900-1910)
Albert F. T. Lutz and Mary Lutz Residence, (1911–1937)
1. F. L. Harding sold house to Albert F. Lutz in 1911.
2. Albert Lutz sold his residence to Daniel and Eva Pelton in 1937.
Residential Home and Office, Dr. R. L. Grierson, Physician, (1938–1939)
1. Eventually a new business block will be built here; adjoins the new Medina Theatre in 1938.
C. G. Lewis, (1948-1951)
Evelyn N. Leidorf, (1948–1955)
S. E,.Johnson, (1948–1959)
C. L. Brooks, (1952–1956)
Ruth Southhard, (1956–1960)
Ellice M. Kaufman, (1960–1963)
Roger Eberhardt, (1963–1966)
Lawrence V. Kennedy, (1966–1969)
Jack E. Chester, (1966–1969)
Murl G. Cool, (1969–1970)
Cecil and Balma Perdue, (1971–1973)
Vacant, (1974 -1975)
Baptist Church Sunday School Room, (1976 –1978)
House was razed between 1978 and 1979.
#133.5 West Liberty Street, Lutz House 2nd Floor Apartments
Florence Carahoof, (1952–1966)
K. O. Ulmer, (1956–1969)
Mildred Peck, (1969–1970)
Barbara L. McDonald, (1971–1974)
1. Barbara McDonald married John Fiala and moved to Litchfield, so their apartment became available for Dennis and Dianne Gerspacher to move back from 1975 to1976.
Phyllis Fairbanks, (1971–1974)
John Fiola, (1974 -1975)
Dennis E. Gerspacher and Dianne K. (Barnett) Gerspacher, (1975–1976)
1. Dennis and Dianne were married on February 14, 1975 and moved back into the upstairs apartment where Barbara McDonald had lived.
2. Rent was only $80.00 a month which allowed us to save for our first home.
House was razed between 1978 and 1979
#135 West Liberty Street: A Residential Home, 1940
Dr. John H. Haag, Mechanotherapist, (1941-1948)
Floretta F. Zeigler, (1948-1959)
Ty Brooks, (1948-1956)
E. J. Hines, (1960-1968)
Ruth H. Southard, (1960–1966)
Jean Easterday, (1969-1970)
Dianne K. Barnett and Rebecca Leonhardt, (1967-1972)
1. Rebecca Leonhardt and Dianne K. Barnett were friends since elementary school and both worked at the Northern Ohio Telephone Company and rented from the Baptist Church.
2. Eventually the Baptist Church needed the first floor for expansion of Sunday School Classes, so Rebecca and Dianne each moved back home.
Phyllis Fairbanks, (1974-1978)
House Demolished in 1979.
#135.5 West Liberty Street: 2nd Floor
Private Residence prior to 1952: Apartment Rentals after 1952.
Kenneth Ulmer, (1952-1963)
Floretta Zeigler, (1952–1963)
R. B. Milgate, (1960-1966)
A. H. Talley, (1966–1969)
William R. Fairbank, (1969-1970)
Paul H. Heilman, (1971–1978)
Freeda Heilman, (1976-1978)
House Demolished in 1979.
#137 West Liberty Street, Porter Bldg.–c.-1952
Ice Cream and Custer Stand (1952-1953)
Medina Motors Lincoln and Mercury Used Cars, (1953-1956)
1. They moved their business to #140-142 West Liberty Street in 1956.
Porter Shoe Repair Shop, Robert Porter, Prop., (1956–1980)
1. Dan Pelton owned the Lot 148 and built the building in 1952.
Porter Shoe Repair Shop, Herbert and Phyllis Porter, Props. (1980-Present)
City Parking Lot #2, (1985-Present)
1. Porter's Shoe Repair at 137 West Liberty Street is a rare jewel of the businesses in the Medina Historic District. Shoe repair is an uncommon trade today, as less than 10,000 exist nationally, and continues to decline.
2. Porter's is a thriving business today that has lasted over 60 years. Phyllis Porter learned the trade of shoe repair through the family and continues to do a broad range of repairs as well as shoe shining.
3. In 1954 Porter's Shoe Repair was started by Robert Porter. Since 1980, his son, Herbert Porter and wife Phyllis Porter, are currently maintaining the business and continuing his work
4. Robert Porter was attracted to Medina by trying to find the perfect spot to put a shoe repair shop. The Porters’ have built a loyal customer base with their expertise and their passion for what they do.
5. They may have been through some tough spots through the years, but that hasn't deterred the Porter family from becoming a business that is here to stay.
MEDINA —October 23, 2019, After 64 years, Porter's Shoe Repair could soon be closing its doors. It will happen sometime after the city parking deck is finished in May. The city owns the building at 317 W. Liberty St. and is doing what it can to find a new location for the Porters, Medina Mayor Dennis Hanwell said.
Eventually, the shoe repair shop will be torn down to make way for commercial space and apartments along West Liberty, in between the courthouse and Sully's Irish Pub. The Porters pay $300 a month to rent the building from the city.
"It's going to kill me when I put my key in the door for the last time," Phyllis Porter said Monday. "I'm probably going to cry like a baby."
Phyllis Porter and her husband, Herb Porter, own the shop and are its only employees. The couple has two children, but they have shown no interest in carrying on the tradition
Hanwell said the Porters originally told him they wanted to retire when it was time to take the building. Now, they are saying they'd like to work three or four more years. It probably won't be at their current location.
Hanwell said he's found a couple of possible locations for the shoe shop, including a little red brick building owned by Huntington Bank on West Washington Street.
The current location has 440 square feet of space. The red brick building, on the same side as the book store and the Huntington drive-thru, has 650 square feet.
The mayor said when the Porters told him it would be difficult to move heavy equipment in the shop — like the stitcher, auto soler and finisher machines — he offered to have city workers move them for the couple. "In any event, we’re doing our best to vet this out for them," Hanwell said.
"We're not trying to lose the Porters," the mayor added. "We’re just trying to redevelop and bring apartments and commercial. My goal and prayer are to accomplish both."
Phyllis Porter said she's been working at the shop for 25 to 30 years. She said her husband, Herb Porter, "has shoe repair in his
blood." She said she'll miss the customers who come in and chat.
"We're not trying to lose the Porters," the mayor added. "We’re just trying to redevelop and bring apartments and
commercial. My goal and prayer are to accomplish both."
Phyllis Porter wonders if the shoe repair shop can become a historic building. There was a Lincoln and Mercury used car dealer at that location in the 1940s. Later, it became a frozen custard stand. From there, Herb Porter, 68, and his father bought the shop and have been there ever since.
Phyllis Porter said the shop has a "perfect location." If she consents to move the shop, she said "the rent has to be
right. She said her and her husband have discussed closing the shop. However, neither of them is ready to retire.
"I don't want to interfere with progress," Porter said. "The mayor is a fair guy."
#139 West Liberty Street: Schine’s Theatre, 1938
The building was constructed in 1924 for the Medina Masonic Lodge No. 58. The 8,200 Square Feet portion that is the theater, with a seating capacity of 870, was added in 1937.
Schine’s Theatre, Ben Stahl, Prop., (1938–1952)
New Medina Theatre, Steve Petrigala, Prop. (1952-2000)
1. In 1972 Theater was divided into the Medina Twin Theater.
Vacant, (2000–2002)
1. 2002 Masonic Temple and Theater annex were place on the National Register of Historic Places.
The Rose, (2003–2007)
1. Live concerts and movies; Theatre was renamed the Rock Theater in 2007.
The Rock Theater, (2007–2008)
Medina Community Theater, (2012-2015)
1. The Masonic Building is sold to the city in 2015.
The Medina Theater as part of the Masonic Hall Building was demolished in 2017.
The month of April is associated with three significant events in Medina’s history — the 1945 world premiere of a Hollywood movie (actually a 30 minute short subject) describing the village as the quintessential American small town, and two devastating fires: the first on April 11, 1848 and the second on April 14, 1870.
We’ll deal with the fires in due time. But first, let us go to the gala world premiere of Medina’s movie, “Home Town USA” at 7 o’clock on the evening of April 10, 1945. The big night of the "Home Town USA" premiere
In 1945, just as WWII was ending in Europe, “Pathfinder”, a weekly news magazine for small towns, selected Medina as a model of small town life. Together with the film company RKO Pathe, they produced a 30 minute film about Medina called “Hometown USA”.
Sixty five years later, watching “Home Town USA” is still a very moving experience. A bygone Medina (population 4,500) is captured forever on black and white film on a particular October day when, the narrator says, “the air in northeast Ohio is like wine.”
The film features two professional actors and dozens of local residents. In the opening scene, a fictional lawyer, played by a middle-aged actor, dictates a letter to his secretary, a young actress. In the letter, which is addressed to his nephew serving in the Armed Forces, he shares news about the folks back homeAll the people he talks about are actual residents of Medina.
After a while, the lawyer ambles across Public Square and chats with several local businessmen. The Square bustles with traffic and activity. Pretty young women with the shoulder-length hair styles of the 1940’s shop in the stores and smile into the camera. The park in the center of the Square is thick with trees planted just after the Civil War. (The trees all succumbed to Dutch Elm Disease in the 1950’s.)
Local high school students, eternally sixteen and high spirited, crowd into Tony’s Candy Kitchen for ice cream sodas after school. A smiling Miss Ella, the legendary kindergarten teacher (rather incongruously decked out in a fashionable hat) pushes her little charges round and round on a carousel on the playground of the Lincoln School. Sam Masi, the equally legendary football coach shows the lawyer the military fitness program for young men that he runs behind the high school.
And as the lawyer walks home at the end of the day, he strolls past century homes and churches that still look much the same today.
According to aMarch 29, 1945 Gazette article, the movie shows Medina as a shining example of small town America with its advantages, its opportunities and its general all around better living.”
The film was shown to audiences throughout the country in the late 1940’s. It is available in DVD form at the Medina District Library.
#143 West Liberty Street: Donald Pease Federal Bldg.,1937
Alcott Wagon Maker, Addison Alcott, Prop. 1860 Property
Residential property prior to 1937.
United States Post Office, Neal D. Roshon, Postmaster, (1937–1954)
1. Neal D. Roshon was Postmaster responsible in moving the Post Office from 207 South Court Street to this newly built Federal Building.
United States Post Office, Stanley L. Hartman, Postmaster, (1954–1962)
1. Stanley L. Hartman was appointed Postmaster of Medina City in 1952 by President Harry Truman
2. In 1963, the Medina Post Office moved to a new, larger facility at North Court Street and Maynard B. Pelton became the new acting Postmaster.
Vacant, (1963–1966)
Donald Pease Federal Bldg., (1966-Present)
Medina County Cooperative Extension Service, (1966-1971)
Selective Service System Local Board, (1966-1971)
Department of Defense Recruiting Service, (1966-1981)
1. Marines, Army, Air Force, Navy
USDA Soil Conservation Service, (1966-1991) Farmer’s Home Administration, (1966-1992)
Medina County Soil & Water Conservation District, (1966 -1993)
USDA Agriculture Stabilization & Conservation Services, (1966-1993)
Medina-Cuyahoga ASC County Committee, (1969-1970)
Social Security Office, (1971-1974)
Medina County Information & Referral Office, (1974-1975)
Department of National Resources Division of Soil & Water (1985-88)
U.S. Agricultural Services CTR, (1988-1992)
Ohio State Natural Resources, (1991-1992)
Indoe Hatch Dairy Company, John C. Indoe and Claude M Hatch, props. (1922-1924)
1. The Bell-Partlon-Eckert Co. has disposed of its creamery business on West Liberty Street to Claude M. Hatch and J. C. Indoe. For the past year or more Mr. Hatch has been located In Akron in the real estate business, while Mr. Indoe has been residing in the south part of the county since selling his farm in Granger. Both men will move to Medina.
2. In 1921, Bell, Partlon and Eckert Dairy sold the property and business to Indoe-Hatch Dairy Company.
The Hatch Dairy Company, Claude M. Hatch, prop. (1924-1938)
1. In 1924, Claude M. Hatch purchased the interest of J. C. Indoe in Indoe Hatch Dairy Company.
The Hatch Dairy Company, Claude M. Hatch and Dudley H. Bagley, props. (1938-1948)
1. In 1938, Dudley H. Bagley acquired an interest in Hatch Dairy Company.
2. In 1948, Dudley H. Bagley sold Hatch Dairy Company to Elm Farm Dairy and became an employee of Elm Farm Dairy and the property was sold to Robert O. Bowman.
3. After selling the dairy business, Claude Hatch managed the State Aid for the Aged office in Medina for 10 years. He also served for many years on the Medina Water Works Board and the Medina County Elections Board.
#525 West Liberty Street: Sargent-Hickox Bldg.-1871
Sargent and Hickox Company, William E. Sargent and James G. Hickox. Props. (1871-1874)
1. In 1871, W. E. Sargent and James G. Hickox built a 42” x 42’ planing mill and lumber business on the north side of West Liberty Street near the CL&W railroad tracks.
B. H. Wood Company, Baxter H. Wood and Harold O. Wood, props. (1874-1916)
1. In 1872, Hiram Bronson sold lot 257 to Baxter H. Wood for $400.
2. In 1873, Hiram Bronson sold lots 256-255 to Baxter H. Wood for $600.
3. In 1874, B.H. Wood Company moved warehouse to east lot 255 and built new large building 40’ x 60”, 2 ½ stories high near the CL&W. railroad tracks.
4. Harry Oviatt Wood, adopted son of Baxter H. Wood who came to Medina in 1872 with his family joined the firm as proprietor in 1874.
5. Harry Wood who succeeded his father, Baxter as owner of the lumber business and transferred a portion of the business to Lorain, Ohio in 1898,
6. In 1875, B. H. Wood Company new lumber warehouse built by C Tomlinson.
7. In 1878, Smith Warner and Company sold planning mill and surfacing, matching, ripping, sash, blind, molding, all kinds mill work to . B.H. Wood Company.
Gazette Aug 27, 1880; General Garfield our next president passed through Medina on his way to the 42nd OVI reunion in Ashland. 400-500 turned out at the depot to see him. Medina band and Dan Wells’ gun squad furnished music and noise. He appeared on the platform and said “Fellow citizens, I am much obliged to you.” A number of 42nd Medina boys went to the reunion.
8. In 1880, B. H. Wood Company adds 24’x 40’ warehouse on the front and new scale and steam elevator.
9. In 1882, B. H. Wood bought Mr. Houck’s grocery store near the depot and turned it into a house
10. B. Pelton, who came to Medina in 1883, was a part owner Sentinel in 1880s and was employed as a bookkeeper at B. H. Wood Company from 1895 to 1901 and Secretary-Treasurer from 1901 to 1912.
11. In 1896, W. B. McKenney rented the B. H. Wood planing mill at CL&W depot and hired John Dannley as new planning operator.
12. The old B. H. Wood plant was remodeled and the main building on West Liberty Street was moved west and in the place north of the office and factory facing Railroad Street,
Young Woodworking Company, Arthur A. Young, prop, (1909-1914)
1. In 1909, Arthur A. Young built a concrete building 34’ x 70’ north of B. H. Wood Company property on Railroad Street for a woodworking plant making cabinets used in oxyline treatment given by osteopathic physicians throughout country,
Loomis Concrete Company, A. K. Loomis, prop. (1909-1916)
1. In 1909, just north of Arthur A. Young’s new building, A. K. Loomis is building an addition to his concrete bridge construction plant. A riveting machine at the A. K. Loomis plant runs by 3700# of compressed air in 1910.
H. Bennader Company, Roy Geisinger, Manager, (1910-1916)
1. In 1910, Bennader has a hay storage barn on B&O railroad property north of old depot.
Medina Woodworking Company, (1914-1919)
1. Medina Woodworking Company acquired the business of Arthur Young in 1914.
R. O. Bowman Company, Robert O. Bowman and David Weibly, props, (1916-1919)
1. Robert O. Bowman was employed with his father William Bowman in the livestock business under the name of W. E. Bowman and Son since 1904.
2. Robert O. Bowman needed to expand across the street, but was owed $24,000 by farmers who eventually paid him back; Mr. Bowman sold the stock yards in 1915.
3. In 1916, B. H. Wood Company property and buildings sold to Robert O. Bowman and David Weilby.
Snyder-Becker Company, (1916-1919)
1. In 1916, Snyder-Becker Company of Cleveland will open cream shipping station here
2. Snyder-Becker Company moved into the building previously occupied by Lewis Concrete Company in 1916)
Hallock Engineering Company, Thomas P. Hallock and Macy O. Hallock, props. (1916-1918)
1. In 1916, the main building was moved further north next to the Medina Woodworking Company concrete building now occupied by Hallock Engineering, that had been leased to William W. Wallace Farm Implements Company.
2. The Hallock brothers designed and built 22 Model T Chemical Fire Trucks in the 5-year production run. Only five trucks are currently known to exist. Two are locally owned, one by Tom Doyle and the other by the West Farmington, Ohio, Fire Department.
3. Macy O. Hallock was born in Washingtonville, NY in 1882 and attended Union College in Schenectady, NY. He followed his younger brother, Thomas, to Medina where both married local girls, Clara Ulmer and Lucile Kimmell.
4. Thomas P. Hallock ran the business and marketing side of the Hallock Fire Truck venture. After WWI, he left Medina for new opportunities in Cleveland, New York, and Florida, but the fire truck continued to be a special collaboration between the brothers.
R. O. Bowman Company, Robert O. Bowman and Amelia Bowman, prop. (1919-1956)
1. In 1919, D. H. Weible sold his interests in the business to R. O. Bowman.
2. In 1925, R. O. Bowman began publishing “Facts and Fun for Farmers” a popular farm publication issued every other week with a wide circulation in Medina County and continued for 31 years.
3. Hatch Dairy Company office and plant was on lot just east of the R. O. Bowman Company from 1930 to 1948.
4. In 1933, Robert O. Bowman raised a building known as the Leaning Tower of liberty Street that started as a stock pen operation on Medina Street.
5. In 1940, Medina’s first passenger depot of the CL&W at West Smith Road was razed by R. O. Bowman.
6. In 1941, R. O. Bowman, Inc. raised the old main building and built a new larger building.
7. In 1943, R. O. Bowman Company sells fertilizers and farm supplies and has 135 employees.
8. In 1949, R. O. Bowman Company engaged in the coal business in addition to selling feed, grain and farm implements.
9. In 1952, R. O. Bowman Company, Inc. started the Bowman Auto Sales Inc. a dealer of Desoto and Plymouth automobiles
10. In 1956, Robert O. Bowman retired after being in the feed and farmers supply business for 41 years, all that time in the same location
11. In retirement, Robert O. Bowman had as his hobby at his Green Acres farm on Weymouth Road, the raising of Tennessee walking horses.
Hausted Division of the Simmons Company, Ray and Ralph Hausted, props. (1964-1971)
1. In 1964, The R. O. Bowman Company feed and grain store on West Liberty Street was leased to Hausted Division of the Simmons Company.
2. The R. O, Bowman Inc. buildings on West Liberty Street have been taken over by Hausted Mfg. Company under the terms of a seven-year lease, according to Roy Hausted, Treasurer of the Company.
3. A $150.000 fire the morning of Sept. 6th, 1964 destroyed the Danner building on Lafayette road, occupied by the firm, and since then the company has conducted its hospital equipment business from the Bowman site.
4. Some machinery has been reclaimed from the burned plant and returned to operation so that a number
of units were available to take to a Chicago show now in progress.
5. According to Roy Hausted, workmen are still salvaging machinery and small tools which, with new equipment, will enable the company to resume full scale production in the near future.
6. The new location will give Hausted Manufacturing Company about three times the space occupied in the burned building.
Medina Plastic Products, Inc., William Bobinchuck, John M. Szekeres, Harry W. Koswalski, props. (1971-1985)
1. Medina Plastic Products Inc is a professional company specialized in making all kinds of plastic injection molding products.
Par Industries Inc., William Bobinchuck, John M. Szekeres, Harry W. Koswalski, props. (1985-1991)
1. Par Industries, Inc. is a supplier of metal bending machine, metal rolling machine, forging machine, metal forming machinery and accessories, metal forming dies and tooling, bend die, cutting die, die casting die, fine blanking die, forge die and more.
Continental Surface Holdings Company, Ray Lindemann President, (1991-1998)
Bradley Coatings Company, John Domonkos, President, (1998-2018)
1. Bradley Coatings Group, a Division of United Paint and Chemical Company, has developed a reputation for being a designer and manufacturer of unique highly technical industrial coating solutions.
2. Bradley Coatings Group is committed to providing high quality, consistent, environmentally responsible performance coatings for the transportation, road construction, oil and gas, and general OEM markets.